Welcome to Bridges Equine Assisted Services, LLC

If you are looking for joy, confidence, mental health, and wellness for yourself or a loved-one, our certified professionals can help! Individuals, Children, Teens, Families, and Couples can benefit from working with us in these areas (and more!)

  • Self-discovery
  • Confidence
  • Mindfulness
  • Developing and practicing relationship skills
  • Anxiety management
  • Depression management
  • Suicidal Intentions de-escalation
  • Trauma recovery

What are Equine Assisted Services?

Equine Assisted Services are therapy modalities that incorporate equine-assisted psychotherapy, equine-assisted learning, and horsemanship. Here at Bridges EAS we offer Equine Assisted Learning and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.

Why horses?

Horses are uniquely gifted to help us to be the best version of ourselves. As prey animals, they are extremely sensitive to human energy, thoughts, and intentions making them energy/actions experts. As herd animals, they rely on their herd relationships to keep them safe making them relationship experts.